Enhanced Rare Cell Sorting Capability Enabled by MARS® and WOLF

Enhanced Rare Cell Sorting Capability Enabled by MARS® and WOLF

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MARS® acoustic technology utilizes active-microfluidics acoustics for the separation of sample particles without labeling, based only on the difference in their physical parameters. The isolated cells are ready for negative MARS® MAG selection, where cells bound to magnetic beads are captured in flow channels, without the need for dedicated columns. Combining the two technologies, MARS enables rare cell enrichment from peripheral whole blood or bone marrow without manual PBMC preparation and the controlled process leads to unprecedented recovery.

The NanoCellect WOLF Cell Sorter uses microfluidic-based sorting with robust laser-excitation. WOLF’s microfluidic channel is gentler than any conventional cell sorter or flow cytometer, allowing for sorting cells with improved cell viability. It is an intuitive instrument with fixed optics and no fluidics cart, providing less complexity, less clean-up, and more time for experiments.

MARS® and WOLF together provide exceptionally high performance in enrichment and isolation of rare cells from Whole Blood, with 100 fold enhanced sensitivity and 4200x enrichment of rare cells.




MARS® and WOLF technologies are a powerful solution to further enhance gentle and rapid enrichment and isolation of rare cells with:

  • Gentle bulk and single-cell sorting
  • Exceptionally high sensitivity and cell recovery
  • Very high cell purity
  • High cell viability
  • Minimal hands-on sample manipulation
  • Label-free Acoustic separation
  • Efficient RBC and debris removal
  • No ficoll gradient WBC preparation
  • Immunomagnetic, matrix-free cell isolation
  • Sterile and disposable fluidics
  • Fast and easy workflow for assay optimization


With MARS® and WOLF workflow rare cells (0.1% and below) can be efficiently enriched and sorted with high purity.

This includes, but is not limited to:

  • CTCs, MDRs
  • Plasma cells
  • Antigen-specific T cells
  • Hematopoietic stem cells


For more information, visit nanocellect.com or email [email protected]
